Henley Business School EMBA field trip at Alba

Alba incoming field trips in numbers

HSB Hochschule Bremen – City University of Applied Sciences MBA field trip in Athens

Turning ideas into Business Models | Rotterdam School of Management MBA and EMBA

FinTech Course and International Applied Challenge for Henley Business School

KENT MBA International Challenge at Alba

A field trip with a purpose!

Exploring Entrepreneurship in Greece: Oklahoma State University's Interactive Journey in Alba

Alba partners with Harvard Business School for their FIELD Immersion Projects

Greek start-ups projects by University of Applied Sciences in Bern graduate business students

Crisis Management projects for Roger Williams University MBA students

Alba welcomed Goa Institute of Management!

Durham Business School graduate students connect with Greek companies

HSB MBA students back to Alba!

EMBA TIAS students farewell field trip at Alba

Exploring the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Crete with RSM MBA students

Kent Business School MBA students’ international challenge at Alba

Bern University of Applied Sciences meet Greek start ups

Roger Williams University MBA field trip at Alba

Durham Business School back in Athens for their international field trip

Rotterdam School of Management EMBA students study trip at Alba

Field trips are back to Athens!

Executive MBA students of TIAS provide consulting to Greek companies

We have guests!

Durham University Business School Field projects in Greece

Customer Interaction Debrief Session with Harvard Business School MBA students

Bern University of Applied Sciences Field Trip

Hosting Field Trip for the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen

Field Trip for EMBA Students of the Weatherhead School of Management

We have guests: Athabasca University field trip

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