Executive MBA

Duration: 20 months
Application Deadline: Rolling admissions | Upcoming deadline: Please contact directly the EMBA office
Start Date: October 2024 | Intake every two years
Fees: € 29,000


Executive MBA is a program for senior and upper-level executives with achievement record, leadership potential, and intellectual curiosity. Take your time to explore how ALBA can fuel your career, broaden your perspective, and help you grow as a leader of organizational renewal in the era of Digital Transformation.

Our unique program is offered in modular, weekend format over 20 months and supported by a dedicated staff aimed to facilitate senior and upper-level executives with heavy management workload. To experience real-time transformation, you will learn from the senior faculty of Alba with pedigree in executive education in Greece and abroad. To build your global outlook and cutting edge skills, you will also learn from top business educators from the premier business schools in Europe and the US. Learning together with participants from diverse functional and industry backgrounds, you will tap into different strengths and perspectives and enjoy a strong network of peers. 

To extend your global outlook, the curriculum concludes with and International Field Trip which, in 2024, will focus on Disruption, Design Thinking and AI & Robotics.

Classes  are in-person. If a student is not able to join a f-2-f class for health reasons or professional obligations,  a hybrid mode of attendance is offered – where academically applicable - for up to 4 weekends of coursework. If a student requests more weekends of hybrid class, there should be approval by the Academic Director upon the necessary documentation.

We recruit candidates who demonstrate drive for intellectual growth, leadership potential, team spirit, and communication and interpersonal skills. We seek candidates with experience of at least 10 years of which 3 to 5 years of solid management experience (i.e., managing people and/or projects).  More important than your tenure, is your professional achievements and performance when assessing your application. 

We welcome applications from:

  • Senior executives who either lead their companies or are about to assume leadership of their companies. 
  • Senior functional leaders who are transitioning into general management responsibilities. 
  • Leaders of fast-growth family businesses.

You may find here more information about the Program's Intended Learning Outcomes.


Student Profile


Strategic and Digital Transformation perspective: The Alba Executive MBA Program has a modular structure that evolves around five Strategy themes: Big Picture Challenges, Business Fundamentals, Development of Personal and Organization Capabilities and, finally, Renewing the Business. All 5 themes contain courses that engage with Digital Transformation  from a  strategic point of view.

Unparalleled depth in Leadership and Innovation: While leadership courses are mushrooming, the unique feature of our EMBA is a program-long combination of coaching, 360-degree assessments and team activities, aimed to help you foster your own authentic leadership approach. At the same time, our EMBA features an unusually holistic innovation view which spans technology-based, marketing-driven, process-based, and business model innovation.

Efficient and convenient: Our modular format runs in 36 weekends, twice a month over 20 months (with long breaks). Modules feature a variety of teaching methods including interactive, case-based discussions, cutting-edge academic knowledge, and in-class exercises. Actionable learning takes off with take-home assignments (and not exams) to help you embed the new knowledge in your business.

Alba’s seal of quality: With our undisputed track record in executive education, you will experience Alba’s senior faculty’s stellar class performance and top-notch expertise. Having won the respect of academia abroad, we are also able to attract top business thinkers from leading schools such as Wharton, Harvard, LBS, INSEAD, IMD, SDA Bocconi, Duke, Darden etc., with a goal to spark your intellect and ignite your curiosity.

Harness a network of accomplished peers: Our professors are not the only source of learning. You learn from the experience of peers who have work experience of at least 10 years of which 3 to 5 years of solid management experience (i.e., managing people and/or projects) and share a passion to grow and potential to succeed.


Tap our thought leadership.
The pursuit of world-class research defines Alba's institutional blueprint. The current  faculty team has produced several books and book chapters, thousands of academic conference presentations, and hundreds of journal articles, which help us generate new ideas and tools for use in the classroom. But it is not just quantity, however. We take pride that 34% of our research output appears in the World Elite and Top journals according to the Association of Business Schools (ABS), a record no other academic institution in Greece and, in fact, very few in Europe can match. 

Experience real time value
Revitalize your intellect in the weekend and return empowered in the office on Monday.  With their executive education expertise in Greece and abroad, our senior faculty create a challenging learning environment in the classroom. In fact, at ALBA we take pride that we do not focus on teaching but on learning: provoking debates, collaborating in teams, and generating solutions to real problems. Our visiting faculty from top US and EU business schools will ignite your curiosity and demystify the latest management thinking and tools. 

Enjoy Flexibility and premium service.  
You run a tight schedule and we run a rigorous program. To meet both ends, our program is delivered in weekends twice a month with long breaks around Christmas and summer holidays. Moreover, a dedicated staff member will help you navigate the program logistics. We also offer free textbook delivery to your home or office, catered meals and snacks every class day, and mentoring by our senior faculty.

Look back and exclaim: “Those were the best days of my life!” 
… our alumni say for over 20 years and as a matter of fact they‘ve got to be right!  
Since its founding, ALBA strives to foster a stimulating academic environment sustained by teamwork, intellectual curiosity and close ties among faculty, students, staff and alumni relations. In this intimate environment, we create a tightly -knit community of engaged, enthusiastic and energetic students who seek to transform their lives and their organizations. It is exactly this Business Unusual spirit that has inspired more than 3000 alumni who look back at their time at ALBA with incessant affection and unwaning dedication.


The Executive MBA Program Total Year Schedule 2022 - 2024

The Executive MBA Program is a broad, general management acceleration program. The curriculum has been designed to provide participants with the business acumen, and the skills and competencies needed to enhance their leadership development. It includes a portfolio of courses and seminars that orchestrate case studies, discussions, simulations, in-class assignments and lectures by world-class professors.

Classes meet on Saturdays and Sundays (maximum 2 weekends per month), while the Program’s courses are completed in a carefully planned sequence of 20 months.

The school reserves the right to reexamine the structure of all academic programs and proceed to any necessary changes in the total year schedules.

You may find the Graduate Academic Calendar 2024–25 here.

Module 1 | Big Picture Challenges

Courses US Credits
Global Challenges

Learn to assess the structure of the global business environment and how it affects industry structure, company strategy and performance. Learn what drives national competitiveness, productivity and growth.


Learn how to balance shareholders' expectations of financial performance and the nonfinancial demands of other stakeholders on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) Performance. Learn how top companies are developing innovative products, processes, and business models to meet both financial and nonfinancial objectives.

Technology Frontier & the New Economy

The dramatic changes in information technology and communication disrupt successful business models and lead to the evolution of new business models. Understand how social networks, Big Data, mobile technologies, cloud computing and services impact on businesses. Explore how the new technology trends impact the strategy and leadership of your business.

The Ethical Organization

Develop a management methods’ approach to business and organization ethics. Master methods managers use individually and together in addressing ethics issues and in helping to build and maintain ethical organizations in various types of environments and realities. Master methods such as ethics reasoning, dialogue, presentation, governance, due process, negotiating, incentive, training, top-down and bottom-up compliance code and win-lose forcing methods.

Module 2 | Mastering The Fundamentals

Courses US Credits
Managerial Economics

This course concentrates on the economic foundations of management by developing tools to analyze key issues of the industry (Microeconomics) and general economic environment (Macroeconomics) of a company. The first part, Microeconomics, analyses consumer behavior, producer pricing and production decisions under different market structures. The second part, Macroeconomics, studies the operation of the entire economy, analyzing topics such as the determination of aggregate output, employment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and other macro variables.

Customer Insights & Marketing Strategy

Learn to develop powerful customer insights as a basis for creating, delivering and capturing customer value. Enhance your marketing decision-making skills in segmenting markets and creating winning marketing programs with an aim to build powerful brands and profitable customer relations.

Financial & Managerial Accounting

You learn to crack down financial statement analysis:  what information to report, how to aggregate it and how to use it for decision making.  Learn also to critically assess financial statements with respect to assumptions and estimates firms use in reported figures.

Corporate Finance for Executives

Understand financial planning, the operation of financial and capital markets and long term investment planning.  Particular emphasis is given in major financial decisions with important strategic implications, such as investment appraisal, valuation of corporate securities, managing the company’s resources, raising capital and coping with uncertainty. The course also examines the way companies manage mergers and acquisitions and other forms of corporate restructuring. The relationships between the interests of corporate managers, shareholders and lenders as well as issues of corporate governance are an important part of the course content.

Production & Operations Management

Production and Operations management can be defined broadly as the process steps that fulfil the production and delivery of “goods”, where “goods” include both material products and intangible services that offer some utility to the end consumer and the overall process subsumes all stages required to transform a product from a rough idea in a brainstorming meeting to the end customer offering. This course focuses on managerial decisions in production and operations and their interrelationships with the other functional areas of the firm. Major areas of study include the design of productive systems, strategic planning, and operations planning and control. Specific topics cover the areas of process and job design, facility planning, capacity planning, distribution planning, inventory management and production planning and control.

Capabilities-based Strategy

Learn how to address two key questions underlying any winning strategy: “where to play?” and “how to win?”  Master frameworks for assessing your firm’s resources and capabilities, where to deploy them, and how they can be used to master the key success factors in your industry. Understand what it takes to assemble skills, processes, knowledge, and organizational systems to build superior capabilities.

Managing & Leading People

Understand how organizations are formed, structured and behave. Develop strategic insights on topics related to organizational culture, motivation, leadership, empowerment and participation, job satisfaction, managing teams, etc.

Module 3 | Developing Personal Capabilities

Courses US Credits
Managerial Communications

Master the tools for crafting, practicing and delivering impactful communications. Expand your arsenal across a variety of communication challenges such as encouraging employees in tough times, addressing tough questions from media, presenting your strategy to investors.


Management consists of a set of universal skills that are well understood and trainable. Leadership consists of how each one of us makes a unique difference to the challenges we face with people and projects. It is not about wasting our energy trying to make ourselves more effective by changing our characters. Instead, it is more effective to find new and better ways of ‘being ourselves’ through enhanced insight and skill.  The purpose of this course is twofold: (a) to assess and improve your readiness to function well as a leader by making your time at Alba Graduate Business School a self-directed journey of learning and development; the specific objectives are to develop an awareness of the knowledge and skills that underlie leadership effectiveness; to obtain individual-level feedback utilizing some of the best existing assessment instruments; to share feedback on your own and others’ skills; and to craft a personal leadership development action plan; (b) to help you acquire actionable knowledge about leadership styles, leading with power, and influence processes by exposing you to both classical perspectives on and contemporary trends in leadership theory and practice through a series of stimulating readings, discussions, exercises, and case studies. 

Leadership & the Art of Judgment

Explore Aristotle’s concept of Phronesis and its links with contemporary theories of human judgment and leadership. To lead other human beings, one needs a high degree of maturity, an intuitive grasp of the human condition and a developed sense of judgment, all of which are uniquely dealt with in Greek philosophy.

Leadership Development II

In the second part of this course, reassess your leadership skills and reflect on the career and leadership challenges that lie ahead. The course also focuses on career transitions, job crafting and work identity through the life-span.

Negotiations, Power & Influence

Explore the art of effective negotiations: how to think strategically, what tactics to engage in, and what goals to aim at. You will practice negotiation skills, receive feedback on individual negotiation problems and improve your ability to analyze the motives of individuals and organizations in competitive and cooperative settings. In addition, you will explore organizations as political entities and how to use power and influence to promote organizational goals. You will learn to analyze power structures and develop methods for exercising influence to make things happen.

The Cultured Leader

As managers realize that increasingly business issues are not manageable in a routine manner, so it grows the pursuit of novel means for interacting with complexity, ambiguity and serendipity. Arts can meet business in various ways beside their traditional relationship of entertainment or fundraising. Diving into the world of art holds many lessons for managers and provides ample opportunities to find relevant and creative insights into managing organizations. Through a unique blend of social research and art, this course creates an interactive and experiential learning atmosphere and ultimately helps participants deal with their own quest for creativity, communication, rotational leadership, impromptu planning and trust building.

Module 4 | Developing Organizational Capabilities

Courses US Credits
Talent Management

Develop an understanding of what drives the effective management and utilization of human capital. Topics include employee motivation and reward strategies, performance assessment and feedback skills, along with talent management processes and challenges, competencies for driving forward the company vision and strategic objectives.

Customer Centricity

Explore the latest thinking on how to instill customer centricity in your organization. Learn to manage at the strategic level by selecting, acquiring, growing, retaining, and profiting from customers. Examine strategy, leadership, and the organization issues to build valuable customers and leverage customer relationships for profits over the long run.

Supply Chains & Services

Effective flow of goods and information through a procurement, production or distribution network are essential to superior customer service and productivity, both crucial drivers of business profitability. In this course, explore strategic supply chain issues such as capacity expansion or consolidation, make or buy decisions, production, procurement and logistics planning and customer service.

Strategy Execution with Balanced Scorecard

The objective of this course is to teach students execute business strategy by means of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), a strategic performance-management tool that aligns business activities, improves communication, and measures organization performance against strategic goals.  This course will help demystify the relationship among operation, strategy, dashboard, initiatives, HR values and competencies, mission, vision, and other business buzzwords.

Building an Innovative Organization

By definition, Innovation is the ultimate value creation activity and, as such, it is the force behind all successful products, services, processes, and business models. If so, then why so many firms fail to innovate and instead fall into the trap of active inertia and eventual decline?  Why can’t they just innovate at will, even if competitors are already eating their lunch? Often confused with godsend ingenuity, innovation is actually a process, albeit not a straightforward one. In this course, explore what innovation is in a business context, how to make it happen, and how to build an organization that can foster it systematically.

International Finance

The course examines the institutional and economic forces affecting the international financial markets and the firm:cross-border flows, inflation, interest rates, exchange rate regimes, the role of the central banks in exchange rate determination and the financial instruments available in international markets (forwards, options, futures and swaps).

Module 5 | Renewing The Business

Courses US Credits
Global Advantage

Study the strategies and tactics in managing effectively opportunities and threats that are posed through the globalization of markets and industries. You are exposed to the various tradeoffs, the methodology and process in developing an international business strategy.

Leading Change

Expose yourself to the latest thinking and practice in the management of change through the aid of a powerful simulation game. Enhance your ability to cope effectively with corporate change in conditions that challenge traditional managerial practices.

Creating Blue Ocean - Generating & Road-testing the New Business Model

This project-based seminar kicks off with exploring the Blue Ocean methodology to generate several value innovations to ignite growth in your business. Then you work to select and transform the most promising value innovation in the form of feasibility analysis. Finally, you work to develop a full fledging business model and assess its profit structure. In this integrative course, you draw together the EMBA skills and knowledge into your own business and receive coaching on your progress from several faculty members.

International Field trip

In the second year of the program, you will have the opportunity to travel abroad for a week-long Field Trip to gain insights about global economic and business trends; "insider" knowledge about the internal functioning of business firms in other countries; as well as direct, immediate opportunities to observe cross-cultural differences in leading organizations. During the Field Trip week, you will visit premier business organizations and meet with senior managers, while faculty will lead debriefing sessions to help you integrate the new experience with the knowledge gained through the Executive MBA courses.


The Professors

Having won the respect of academia abroad as a Graduate Business School, Alba has been able to attract top business thinkers from leading schools, especially for its Executive MBA Program (EMBA), with a goal to spark the students’ intellect and ignite their curiosity.

Academic Director
Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos Professor of Strategy and Marketing

Dr. Kyriakopoulos is Professor of Strategy and Marketing. His research centers on innovation explored with the lenses of improvisation, market learning, embedded ties, and marketing resources. His work has received scholarships and research grants while his research has appeared in leading international journals.

alba profile link
Course Faculty
Professor of International Business and Strategy view more
Christos Cabolis Chief Economist and Head of Operations at the IMD World Competitiveness Center.
Associate Professor of Economics and Finance ,IMD view more
Dionysis Dionysiou Academic Director of the MSc in Strategic Human Resources Management
Associate Professor of Organization and Management view more
Professor of Management at Durham University Business School view more
Professor of Operations Management, University of Cyprus view more
Lars Häggström Senior Advisor, IMD
view more
Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship; Sir Donald Gordon Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, London Business School view more
Professor of Organizational Behavior view more
Associate Professor of Practice, SDA Bocconi Affiliate | Program Director, ESMT Berlin view more
Nikos Mylonopoulos Director of The SEV Center of Excellence in Creative Leadership
Professor of Digital Business view more
Professor of Marketing, London School of Economics view more
Fellow, SDA Bocconi & Founding Partner, Charge Ventures view more
Associate Professor of Strategy and Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Faculty Fellow, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan view more
Professor of Operations Management, University of Cyprus view more
Associate Professor in the Practice of Accounting view more
Stefanos Zarkos Academic Director of The Alba MBA & MSc in Finance
Professor in the Practice of Finance view more


Tuition Fees for September 2022: 

€29,000 payable in installments throughout the duration of the program.

This includes books delivered to your home or office and comprehensive catering during the class days. This does not include your accommodation nor your flight expenses for the international field trip. You should estimate around 1000€ for this trip.

For companies: Grow your senior leadership talent

Since the founding of Alba, many of our students have been funded by their companies. These enterprises select and sponsor leaders on the belief that an EMBA program can help them develop strategic skills and lead their company’s quest for growth and innovation. 
If your company acknowledges the rewards of these investments in developing future leaders, you can sponsor fully or partly the tuition. Alternatively, if you want to tie your investment in EMBA to certain achievements by sponsored employees, then you may offer forgivable lending. 

Please note that our EMBA is not designed for a typical manager who is up for promotion. Rather, it is a program for the elite 1-2% of your organization selected in your senior talent development or succession planning program. For example, if you are grooming someone for C-suite role (e.g. CMO, COO) or specialized leaders (e.g. factory manager) for a broader leadership role (e.g. leading a daughter company or leading the setup of a new company overseas), then EMBA can be just the right investment for the future of your company. 

Alba Corporate Members are entitled to special discounts on tuition fees.

Volume discounts will be also offered to companies who will sponsor more than one employees.

For Financing Options please visit here 


For further information please contact us at 210 89.64.531 (ext. 2253) or at [email protected] or [email protected]


Admission Process

  1. Application with two options:
  2. Application online (with scanned documents) OR
  3. Print, fill in and post us  the application form along with the original copies. 
  4. Interview: All candidates will be asked to go through a personal interview in English.
  5. Evaluation by an Academic Committee.

Assessment Criteria

As the EMBA’s credo is “challenge your thinking, lead for growth and renewal”, we assess candidates with the following criteria:

Formal criteria: Degree and management experience
You should have a minimum of ten years substantial work experience, of which at least three years of management experience. That also means you should be currently employed or self-employed. You are also required to hold a bachelor’s degree. * 
You are expected to provide 2 letters of recommendation. Finally, you should provide evidence of excellent command of the English language (e.g. Proficiency or TOEFL or IELTS or a bachelor's degree from a university where all courses were taught in English). In case the aforementioned do not exist, a personal interview will judge the level of command. 

Past accomplishments
How do we assess your potential for leadership? We look for clear evidence of achievement and progression. You should demonstrate a record of successful leadership which includes pursuit of a goal, motivating people to achieve this goal, the articulation of common purpose. We also assess the communication and interpersonal skills which are crucial to successful leadership.

Academic curiosity
While success is important, how you have succeeded is no less important. Our EMBA students should have developed themselves but also helped others develop. Successful applicants are reflective, thoughtful leaders who are intrigued by new knowledge as a means to make a difference in their organization.

Exceptional cases, where no bachelor's degree exists, but is complimented by substantial senior management experience and professional achievements, will be seriously considered. 

Our EMBA accepts applications all year round & candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Though our admission process is straightforward and expedited, it takes some time to plan and prepare for the application. Therefore you are advised to start early the process to avail time for preparation. 

To learn more about academic policy, course credit policy, fees policy and rules for student conduct read the Student Handbook 

Candidates must submit:

  • The completed application form, including one recent photograph in jpeg format;
  • Two letters of recommendation in Greek or in English language.
  • Official Academic Transcripts as well as Certified copies of degrees from each undergraduate, graduate or professional degree earned;
  • Proof of competence in the English language (unless schooled in English), e.g. Proficiency or TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Three Essays, as indicated in the Application form;
  • Receipt of the non-refundable application fee's [€60] deposit


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Antonina Kalkavoura EMBA Program Executive Director

Antonina Kalkavoura is the Executive Director of the Corporate Affairs Department and the Executive Director of the Executive MBA. She holds a BSc degree from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philology, an MBA degree from Alba Graduate Business School and an MSc degree in Banking & Finance from Hellenic Open University. She has an extensive experience in managing academic programs within the School, with her previous position being the Director of Academic Programs.

Get in touch with us
Andromachi Doumoura Senior Program Manager Executive MBA

We urge applicants to request further information in order to better understand their profile and motivations.

Just fill out and submit the form below and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Tel.: +30 210 89.64.531-8

Fax: +30 210 89.63.302

e-mail: [email protected]

Fill out the form Just submit the form below and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.


Let’s meet up !

We encourage you to have a direct contact with us and give us the chance to explore together if the Executive MBA can help you advance your career and if Alba EMBA is the right fit for you. You may do so by filling the relevant form and arrange an informal face to face or virtual chat with a member of our Admissions Team to receive personalized information. If this kind of contact doesn’t suit you, we also offer you other options to receive information. Alba invests in your success even before you become our student, helping you learn how EMBA can foster your personal development and career progression.

Contact Form

Please read the information about processing of personal data here.

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