MSc in Entrepreneurship

Duration: 14 months
Application Deadline: Rolling Admission| Upcoming Deadline: December 13, 2024
Start Date: September 2025
Fees: € 12,500


This ground-breaking and exciting program develops entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and experience. Changing the rules of the enterprise education game, the degree prepares learners to live, craft, master and create entrepreneurship.

The MSc in Entrepreneurship is built upon the concept of Effectuation, a logic of entrepreneurial expertise that both novice and experienced entrepreneurs can use in the highly unpredictable start-up phase of a venture to reduce failure costs for the entrepreneur.

A new approach to entrepreneurship education. The MSc in Entrepreneurship prepares learners to live, craft, master and create entrepreneurship. It takes place both in the real world of the entrepreneur, and within Alba’s “Business unusual” classrooms. From generating creative ideas to launching innovative “happenings”, from building a strong business model to detailed financial planning, the MSc in Entrepreneurship prepares participants for creating and leading the new ventures of the future. A ground-breaking and exciting program that balances the practice of entrepreneurship with the mastery of core managerial competences.


Key features of the program

  • Weekday classes between 18:00 – 22:00, three times per week on average;
  • A 14-month program; 
  • 17 core modules & 2 workshops;
  • Assessment: group reports/presentations, case study analysis, mid-term tests, final exams;
  • New Venture project.


A Program Designed for those Who: 

  • Have graduated recently and seriously consider an entrepreneurial career;
  • Obtained work experience and wish to make the move from employment to entrepreneurship;
  • Want to enhance their intrapreneurial skills necessary for a successful career in startups and large innovative companies;
  • Are members of their family businesses and they prepare to take on increasing responsibility in the company and pursue growth initiatives.

You may find here more information about the program's Intended Learning Outcomes.

Current Student Profile


International Recognition: Accredited by The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) 

Alba Graduate Business School is one of the Elite European Schools in entrepreneurship. With a long and successful tradition in the European Business Plan of the Year Competition (EBPYC), and a high number of successful graduate entrepreneurs.

The program draws from the expertise of AHEAD, the Alba Hub for Entrepreneurship and Development, a well-established team within the school which provides a range of support for entrepreneurship, for our students, graduates and other stakeholders.

The innovative combination of practical action learning and classroom education represents the very best international practice in enterprise education.

The MSc will is delivered by highly specialized resident and visiting faculty and guest speakers, including leading global figures from entrepreneurship education, and dynamic young entrepreneurs.

The MSc enhances individual skills, but also pays special emphasis on preparing participants to work outstandingly well with others, through workshops on Emotional Intelligence and Negotiations, as well as extensive team work.


MSc in Entrepreneurship Total Year Schedule 2024– 2025

The school reserves the right to reexamine the structure of all academic programs and proceed to any necessary changes in the total year schedules. Students who wish to attend the 14-month program, will attend the “New Venture Project” during September – October 2025.

You may find the Graduate Academic Calendar 2024–25 here.

1st Period | September – October

Courses US Credits
Business Economics

This course concentrates on the economic foundations of management by developing tools to analyze key issues of the industry (Microeconomics) and general economic environment (Macroeconomics) of a company. The first part, Microeconomics, analyses consumer behavior, producer pricing and production decisions under different market structures. The second part, Macroeconomics, studies the operation of the entire economy, analyzing topics such as the determination of aggregate output, employment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and other macro variables

Financial Accounting & Reporting

With the aim of evaluating corporate financial performance and making financially rational decisions, this course introduces students to financial accounting, reporting and analysis. This module aims to develop awareness in students of the way in which accounting is embedded in a particular socio-economic, political and cultural context and challenges the perception that accounting is a purely technical, uninterested and neutral practice. Within this framework, the module seeks to provide students with a broad introduction to the need for external accounting systems, the principles explicit and implicit within such systems, and the strengths and weaknesses in such systems. 

Realities of Entrepreneurship

The objective of this course is to assist students begin the process of crafting entrepreneurship, by exploring and engaging with entrepreneurial thinking, opportunities, an unknowable future, and building from strong ideas, within a context of limited resources. The course also addresses the key realities of (affordable) risk, and entrepreneurial failure. Participants will develop an understanding of how to use their commonly available resources to build viable, productive, enduring organizations that create real value. Built upon the radical means-driven approach of effectuation theory, this class challenges learners to think about how they can transform current realities into valuable new possibilities.   They will learn to use commonly available and highly personal resources (their intelligence, insight, energy, initiative, educational background and personal relationships) to create, finance, and build new opportunities of every kind.

2nd Period | November – December

Courses US Credits
Managing People & Organization

The course provides an overview of the core areas of management theory and organizational behaviour with a special emphasis on issues of organizational structures, culture and values, employee motivation and job design, leadership and power, group processes as well as organizational learning and knowledge management. It will help participants understand the complex relation between individuals, groups and organizations and will introduce the concepts and the tools for effective management of the human capital. It will also help them understand how they can become change catalysts by performing their leadership role as managers; how they can manage knowledge; how they can inspire people to put extra effort for achieving the organizational vision and for outstanding performance and results. Through case studies, videos and discussion, students will have the opportunity to exercise their critical thinking and build people management skills by applying organizational theory to a broad range of organizational types, settings, and challenges.

Business Writing & Presentation Skills

This introductory course outlines the main principles of writing academic and business reports. In this course, a series of activities are used to develop, extend and enhance analytical and synthetical writing skills. The course explains the importance of knowing one’s audience, purpose and subject of a written report. The sequence of steps in writing effectively is analysed. Prewriting, revising and editing techniques are discussed. The process of conducting a comprehensive literature review is outlined, which compares and contrasts relevant studies, in order to create a solid theoretical foundation, upon which one’s own views can be presented and justified. Finally, the importance issue of plagiarism and how to avoid it is discussed.

The workshop on presentation skills teaches you how to prepare and deliver presentations effectively focusing on providing you with the necessary tools that will help you enhance your presentation skills in a face to face and virtual setting. Preparation and delivery techniques are analyzed and emphasis is given on proper structure of content.

Marketing Research

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the field of marketing research. Marketing research concerns the use of scientific methods to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve our understanding of marketing as a process. It concerns the collection and analysis of information in order to reduce uncertainty and provide insights into buying behavior, customer satisfaction, customer preferences, market segmentation, advertising evaluation, product testing, new product development etc. Students will study the central concepts of marketing research, as well as the tools and techniques used in this field to support good marketing decisions.

3rd Period | January – February

Courses US Credits
Mastering Entrepreneurial Finance

"The objective of this course is to provide students an applied overview of several key areas in accounting and finance including: budgeting and financial planning; cash flow forecast; financial analysis; investment appraisal and deal structuring. This takes place by providing an applied overview of these essential tools, and using the student teams’ own developing plans as the core learning vehicle. Exercises and mini-case studies add further to the breadth of learner knowledge. Upon completion of this course, participants will be well equipped to plan and analyze the financial elements of an entrepreneurial new venture, both in terms of cash and capital, and to build solid financial models which return real investment value to all stakeholders."

Marketing Management

The main goal of this course is to provide students with a framework of the theoretical concepts and practical tools of modern marketing. Students will learn how to translate business level goals into marketing strategies. How to use the basic marketing levers (i.e. product/service, price, distribution, marketing communications, and marketing research) to accomplish such strategies. Moreover, they will develop a critical thinking of new trends in marketing management and how they transform established marketing practices. Ultimately they will develop a more concrete understanding of what marketing is and what are its capabilities and boundaries within the contemporary business practice.

Living with Entrepreneurship: Shadowing

The objective of this course is to bring students close to established entrepreneurs with the aim to learn from them, and understand the dynamics of setting up, growing and managing a venture. Learning expectations include critical analysis of entrepreneurship theory, in the light of practice, with special attention being paid to entrepreneurial processes, and networking. Students will form teams, connect with an entrepreneur and prepare a detailed case study on them. They will need to meet, interview, research and undertake any other activity necessary to get a well-rounded understanding of the entrepreneur’s journey. At the conclusion of the course, student teams will prepare a case study and a relevant presentation. Students will also prepare a story telling presentation related to an entrepreneur they admire.

4th Period | March – April

Courses US Credits
Strategy Formulation and Implementation

This course deals with the analysis and creation of business and corporate strategy as well as practices for growth of a small firm or even a large multinational corporation. Business strategy formulates the set of objectives and policies that define how a firm positions itself to gain competitive advantage and increase returns for its shareholders. Two questions are of importance, then: “Where should we compete in” and “How should we compete?” In answering these questions, we formulate a plan on a) understanding the firm’s external environment in terms of industry-level competition and the institutional idiosyncrasies characterizing the context of a country and b) screening and diagnosing the firm’s internal resources and capabilities. Further, we look at issues of effective implementation of business and corporate strategies, such as identifying and implementing relevant business models, applying and combining product and market diversification strategy, gaining insights on the increasingly important role of innovation management, and familiarizing ourselves with the contextual, strategic and operational issues of corporate governance. The course offers students the opportunity to work in teams and develop unique case studies for well-known entrepreneurial firms.

Road testing- Feasibility Analysis

The objective of this course is to teach student teams how to “road test” their Lean Start-up Models by carrying out a full feasibility analysis. Using the “Business Plan Road Test” model, teams will develop research plans to investigate industry and market domains, at both micro and macro levels. They will also engage firmly with the internal elements of their venture, considering formally the competences, social and human capital, and motivational aspirations of their entrepreneurial team. After carrying out detailed secondary and primary market research, student teams will assess the financial, strategic, operational and marketing feasibility of their concepts, enhancing still further their business models.

Digital Business Strategies

This course delves into the transformative impact of digital technologies on businesses, exploring questions about how innovation disrupts markets, economies, and business models. Students will examine the implications for leadership, organizational structures, and management practices in the face of rapid technological change. The course emphasizes the significance of sound strategy and effective implementation in leveraging technological opportunities. It aims to cultivate a forward-thinking mindset by addressing key issues such as the reconfiguration of organizations, digital transformation, and the evolving role of management in the knowledge economy. Learning objectives encompass fostering awareness of digital possibilities, understanding digital disruption mechanisms, exploring new business models, and developing leadership strategies for navigating digital challenges. The course also tackles organizational structures, ethical considerations, and broader responsibilities in the context of radical technological change. Overall, it aims to equip students with the skills to identify opportunities and drive results in the dynamic landscape of digital business.

5th Period | May- June

Courses US Credits

In the wide sense of the term, negotiating with others (both partners and rivals) is a necessary feature of all managerial jobs. In this course students are introduced into the fundamentals of effective negotiations: how to think strategically, what tactics to engage in, and what goals to aim at. The objective of this course is to improve participants’ ability to avoid traps in negotiations and help them see their range of rational options (and their ramifications) in particular situations. The course is designed to provide participants a conceptual framework for preparing and conducting negotiation, and to give them some experience in using this framework.

Entrepreneurial Flexibility

The objective of this  intensive workshop is to  introduce the theories and practices required to master the post start-up phase of entrepreneurship, focusing on survival techniques, growth strategies, and modern approaches such as pivoting, and co-opetition. Exit options, and dealing with entrepreneurial failure, will also be covered. The emphasis on the workshop is on combining the latest theory with mini-cases, class exercises, and other forms of real life example. It is anticipated that the content of this class will form an additional conceptual underpinning for the Entrepreneurship Team Field Project.

Preparing the Business Plan

The objective of this course is to provide students with an insight on how entrepreneurs move from feasibility analysis to the actual planning of new ventures. It guides them through the steps required to start a new venture, the assessment of plans for new businesses and the gathering and organization of resources. Sources of financial support, and deal structuring, are an integral part of this course. Successful entrepreneurs share their experiences with students to provide practical knowledge of entrepreneurship. Students are exposed to the conceptual and practical difficulties of new business formation from a legal, financial, and operational perspective. Working in teams to develop a new start up business plan is an integrating feature of the course. Special attention is paid to the preparation of business plans, and their presentation, for specific stakeholder communities.

6th Period | September – October

Courses US Credits
Sustainability Business Ethics & CSR

Understanding the ethical basis of human behaviour is of fundamental importance for building commitment to organizational goals and for imparting integrity and a sense of the common good in organizational members. The course examines a broad array of matters relating to ethics, including: individual and organizational obstacles to ethics; ethics information processing methods and judging theories; an action-learning framework for ethics leadership; adversarial win-lose ethics methods; integrative win-win ethics methods; dialogic transcendent ethics method; reflection and developing personal and contingency ethics leadership approaches; developing on ethics leadership action-learning plan. The course focuses also on sustainability, corporate social responsibility and corporate accountability with further emphasis placed on business strategies that aim to create long term value and a positive environmental, social and economic impact. Actionable knowledge is achieved by applying theory in real life situations through critical analysis and debating on prominent cases and in class discussions on current trends and developments on sustainable business activities.

New Venture Project

The New Venture Project is a unique learning experience and a cornerstone of Alba's educational philosophy. It is the culmination of a year's intensive learning. Students will elaborate and implement concepts and methods for an entrepreneurial idea. Each student will work on their own idea over a two-month period to design and validate an effective business model. Students are required to follow a specified time plan, work on a Business Model Canvas (or other relevant tool) building on their idea and prepare a pitch. The course will conclude with the students presenting their pitches. Students will work independently and will submit a reflection paper after the conclusion of the course. A group activity is included to showcase the idea development process.


The Professors

Academic Director
Georgios Batsakis Professor of International Business

George Batsakis, PhD, is Professor of International Business at Alba Graduate Business School. His research focuses on internationalization processes and foreign market entry strategies of multinational enterprises and his teaching lies in the areas of international business, strategic management and entrepreneurship. He has published in leading international business and general management scholarly journals, such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, among many others. Notably, in 2022 he was included in the Poets&Quants' Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors in the world. Also, ResearchGate, the leading social networking site for scientists and researchers, has positioned him in the top 10% of scholars in the area of business and management (based on research interest score). George has acted as member of the program and scientific committee and Track-Chair of leading academic conferences (e.g., EGOS, AIB UK & Ireland), while he acts as ad-hoc reviewer for a number of highly-rated academic journals in the area of international business and general management. In terms of impact and outreach, he has established strong ties with the industry and regularly advises pre-seed stage startups on issues revolving around business model formulation, proof of concept and demand validation. George is frequently invited as a speaker in practitioners’ executive seminars and as a mentor, coach and judge in leading startup competitions and programs (e.g., VISA Innovation Program, Stage Two, Disrupt Greece, among others).

alba profile link
Course Faculty
Evangelia Baralou Academic Director of the MSc in Tourism Management
Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies, Open University, UK view more
Georgios Batsakis Academic Director of the MSc in International Business and Management
Professor of International Business view more
Dionysis Dionysiou Academic Director of the MSc in Strategic Human Resources Management
Associate Professor of Organization and Management view more
Alexis Komselis Director AHEAD - Alba Hub for Entrepreneurship and Development
Teaching Fellow view more
Affiliate Professor | Lawyer-Mediator view more
Christos Koritos Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Academic Director of the MSc in Marketing
Associate Professor of Marketing view more
Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos Academic Director of Executive MBA, Academic Director of Alba - Eurobank MBA in Financial Services
Professor of Strategy and Marketing view more
Nikos Mylonopoulos Director of The SEV Center of Excellence in Creative Leadership
Professor of Digital Business view more
Associate Professor in the Practice of Accounting view more
Associate Professor of Finance view more
Professor of Marketing, The Theodore Papalexopoulos Chair in Sustainability view more
Stefanos Zarkos Academic Director of The Alba MBA & MSc in Finance
Professor in the Practice of Finance view more


Scholarships Scheme


You can secure pre-approval of your scholarship, before you apply for admission to the MBA or MSc program of your choice.

Apply for scholarship

GMAT Scholarships

Scholarships of 40% for MBAs and MSc programs for GMAT ≥ 645

Theodore Papalexopoulos Scholarship

Partial scholarships, based on a combination of academic/professional excellence, high academic & professional potentials and presence of financial need.

Ulysses Kyriakopoulos Expendable Scholarship

Partial scholarships, based on a combination of academic/professional excellence, high academic & professional potentials and presence of financial need.

NielsenIQ Scholarship

One partial scholarship for various MBA & MSc Programs

The Chris Argyris Scholarship

Two (2) partial scholarships amounting to 50% of total tuition fees for various MSc Programs,  based on a combination of academic performance & potential.

Next Generation Family Business Scholarship

One (1) merit-based partial awarded to a member of the next generation of a family business for several MBA & MSc programs

SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises) Scholarships

Partial scholarships of 50%  to Small and Medium Enterprises – members of SEV, offered as rewarding services to the members of the Federation.

Women Empowerment and Equality partial Scholarship

Women on Top offers one partial merit- based scholarship.


To be considered for admission, candidates must:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree; 
  • Provide evidence of excellent command of the English language;
  • GMAT tests are optional unless the Academic Committee requires the applicant to take them: in any case, scores of 515 or more (GRE >155) can strengthen your application and help you secure a scholarship.

Candidates must submit:

  • The completed application form, including one recent photograph in jpeg format;
  • Two letters of recommendation in Greek or in English language;
  • Official Academic Transcripts as well as Certified copies of degrees from each undergraduate, graduate or professional degree earned;
  • Proof of competence in the English language (unless schooled in English): Proficiency (Cambridge Proficiency, Michigan Proficiency, MSU Proficiency), or TOEFL, or IELTS, or Duolingo English Test;
  • Three Essays, as indicated in the Application form;
  • Receipt of the non-refundable application fee's [€60] deposit.

Click here to download the details for admission.

For details on academic policy, course credit policy, fees policy, and rules for student conduct, please refer to the Student Handbook 

Additionally, the School's Students Code of Conduct can be found here


Get in touch with us
Vicky Moschopoulou Senior Manager - Enrollment

We urge applicants to request further information or to come for a meeting at our downtown campus, in order to better understand their profile and motivation.

Just fill out and submit the form below and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Tel.: +30 210 89.64.531 ext. 2289

e-mail: [email protected]

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