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  • Mylonopoulos, N. and Theocharakis, V. (2021). Are you keeping your Facebook passions and habit under control? A dual-system perspective on Facebook addiction-like symptoms. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 25:2, 181-203, DOI: 10.1080/10864415.2021.1887697
  • Avramidis, P., Mylonopoulos, N. and Pennacchi, G. (2021). The role of marketplace lending in credit markets: Evidence from bank mergers. Management Science.
  • Theocharakis, V. and Mylonopoulos, N. (2020). Who should care about the Facebook ad boycott? California Management Review Insights.
  • Triantafylli, A. (2010). Aligning Strategy and Performance Measurement Systems in the service sector companies: The Greek Example. Performance Measurement and Management Control: Innovative Concepts and Practices 20: 387-425.
  • Triantafylli, A. and Ballas, A. (2011). Management Control Systems and Performance: An Empirical Analysis of the Greek Shipping Industry. Maritime Policy and Management 37, no. 6: 625-660.
  • Kasbar, M.S.H., Tsitsianis, N., Triantafylli, A. and Haslam, C. (2022). An empirical evaluation of the impact of agency conflicts on the association between corporate governance and firm financial performance. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Mainemelis, C., Sakellariou, E. (2022). Creativity and the arts of disguise: Switching between formal and informal channels in the evolution of creative projects. Organization Science,
  • Petrou, P., Van der Linden, D., Mainemelis, C., & Salcescu, O.C. (2020). Rebel with a cause: When does employee rebelliousness relate to creativity? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93: 811-833.
  • Stierand, M., Heelein, J., & Mainemelis, C. (2020). A designer on designing: A conversation with Johannes Torpe. Journal of Management Inquiry, 29: 350-359.
  • Dubiel-Teleszynski, T., Kalogeropoulos, K. and Karouzakis, N. (2022). Sequential Learning and Economic Benefits from Dynamic Term Structure Models. Management Science (ABS: 4*, IF: 6.172). Forthcoming

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