Developing Customer Service Excellence

Shaping Customer Service in the Εra of Disruption
Duration: 32 Hours (6 days)
Start Date: March 5, 2025
Participation Dates: March 5-6-13-14 Time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM // March 28 Time 9:30-13:30 ZOOM // April 3 Time 10:30-14:30 ALBA premises
Fees: €950 (ΗICS members: €550)


This innovative program provides a blend of contemporary knowledge with a holistic approach to the understanding of the dimensions of customer service. 

The programs aims at disseminating knowledge, skills and practices in an intensive, interactive mode and a condensed timeframe. The program unfolds around theories of organizational and customer psychology that are utilized as a framework to understand behavior as well as a tool to develop  customer service competencies. 

Participants will have the opportunity to explore new perspectives on human interaction and to practice alternative ways to address it.


Learning Objectives:

  • Development of contemporary knowledge, behaviors and competencies that are connected with customer service ( communication, problem solving, trust, resilience)
  • Understanding management challenges in the Digital Era
  • Development of a human centric and customer centric approach



Program Dates & Venues

The first sessions of the program will be conducted via the learning platform Zoom.

The last session will take place at Alba premises, Xenias 6-8, Athens. Please refer to the table below:

Day 1: Wednesday 5/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 2: Thursday 6/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 3: Thursday 13/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 4: Friday 14/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 5: Friday 28/3/2025 time 9:30-13:30 ZOOM

Day 6: Thursday 3/4/2025 time 10:30-14:30 Alba premises, 6-8 Xenias Str., Athens






Program Dates & Venues

The first sessions of the program will be conducted via the learning platform Zoom.

The last session will take place at Alba premises, Xenias 6-8, Athens. Please refer to the table below:

Day 1: Wednesday 5/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 2: Thursday 6/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 3: Thursday 13/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 4: Friday 14/3/2025 time 9:30-15:30 ZOOM

Day 5: Friday 28/3/2025 time 9:30-13:30 ZOOM

Day 6: Thursday 3/4/2025 time 10:30-14:30 Alba premises, 6-8 Xenias Str., Athens



1st Session - The Customer Service Competencies Game


With the use of gamification techniques, participants will understand and conceptualize the key themes of customer service efficiency. The game will also serve the purpose of assessing the characteristics of the participants’ team in order to further adjust the following modules to their challenges and needs. (cases & exercises)

The most important customer service skills:

  • Communication Skills
  • Problem Solving – Handling Complaints
  • Trust
  • Self & Team Resilience & Customer Service
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Collaboration skills
  • Empathy
  • Efficiency
  • Working across channels
  • Speed
  • Relationship building
  • Understanding customer needs
  • Agility

Group assignment: The journey toward Greater Customer Centricity

Applying a design thinking approach for best practices in Customer Service Management

2nd Session - Customer Centricity Masterclass / Tracing Management & Customer Service Management in the Digital Era

Customer Centricity Masterclass

  • Learn what the power of customer centricity is; customer relations and powerful brand as a bridge between customer value and firm value
  • Create the customer learning capability: tools for understanding customer “pain” and “plug” it into your value proposition
  • Overcome the traps of customer centricity; how inertia, silos, and arrogance destroy customer value.
  • Make it happen: Align mission, processes, policies, and information systems to make your customer, improvisation and “all that jazz”

Tracing Management & Customer Service Management in the Digital Era:

  • Challenges and opportunities in the Digital Era
  • The concept of disruptive innovation                   
  • The effects of Exponential  Growth in Business and Management
  • New business models and organizational structures for the Digital Era


3rd - 5th Session - Diving deep into Customer Service Excellence

Session 3, The journey toward Greater Customer Centricity

Applying a design thinking approach for best practices in Customer Service Management- Group Presentations The journey toward greater customer centricity


Session 4, Customer Needs & Expectations

Identify and clarify customer needs and expectations

COVID Has Forever Changed the Customer Experience

  • Which Changes Are Likely to Stick?
  • Customer experience in the new reality
  • How to succeed in the new reality
    • Proactive customer service is Valued by customers
    • The roadmap to Become a Customer-Centric Company
    • How can you successfully anticipate your customers’ needs?
    • The Client Needs analysis
    • Customer needs vs. customer expectations
    • Is customer experience the same as customer service?
    • Address diverse customer needs
    • Establish a Rapport With Customers

Expanding Customer Relationships

  • Follow-up to assess customer satisfaction.
  • Take action to assure customer satisfaction.
  • Resolve complaints and encourage critical encounters.
  • Expand collaborative involvement.
  • Add value and enhance mutual opportunities.
  • Achieving Customer Loyalty


Session 5, Best Customer Service Practices

Customer Service Stories






This program is addressed to Executives / Supervisors who lead teams in the area of:

  • Customer Service Management
  • Service Management
  • Telephone/Call Center Customer Service


Course Faculty
Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos Academic Director of Executive MBA, Academic Director of Alba - Eurobank MBA in Financial Services
Professor of Strategy and Marketing view more
Nikos Mylonopoulos Director of The SEV Center of Excellence in Creative Leadership
Professor of Digital Business view more
Business Consultant & Executive Trainer, a practicing Psychotherapist and Executive Coach. view more
HR Consultant, Training & Development Strategist view more


To request more information please contact 

Mrs. Maria Karadeli

Training Coordinator & P.R., Hellenic Institute of Customer Service

Tel: +30 210 3001022

email: [email protected]r


To get in touch with ALBA Executive Department please use the below information

Mrs. Maria Pappa

Tel.: +30 210 89.64.531-8

Fax: +30 210 89.63.302


We would be pleased to address any enquiry you might have and to assist you in any way we can.


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