MSc in Supply Chain Management

MSc in Supply Chain Management (Alba) and Master Degree - The European Business Program (EBP) International (KEDGE, France)
Duration: 20 months
Application Deadline: Rolling Admission| Upcoming Deadline: December 13, 2024
Start Date: September 2025
Fees: € 14,500


This program prepares young graduates (with business or engineering background) and early-career professionals for a successful career into the world of Supply Chain Business and Logistics. With a sharp focus on developing well-rounded professionals, this specialized management program equips you with the knowledge, skills, international outlook, and practical experience to launch yourself in Supply Chain & Logistics in Greece and abroad. You learn how the supply chain management integrates all key business processes from original suppliers to end users and how it adds value in products and services for customers and other stakeholders in a global scale.

 The program is offered in exchange collaboration with KEDGE Business School

Key features of the program

  • 5 core modules & 1 workshop (September-January) at Alba - Weekday classes between 18:00 – 22:00, three times per weeks on average;
  • 5 months in France – Bordeaux at KEDGE Business School*: 9 specialized supply chain modules (February-June) at KEDGE Business School in France * in English;
  • Learning methods and Assessment: Supply Chain Simulation, group reports/presentations, case study analysis, mid-term tests, final exams;
  • Master Thesis supervised by Alba faculty;
  • 20 weeks Internship in Greece or France;
  • Personal Development program supervised by KEDGE in English.

KEDGE Business School is one of only 1% of Business Schools in the world to hold the Triple Crown Accreditation (AMBA, EQUIS & AACSB) and its programs have been ranked at the Financial Times annual rankings.

Two degrees:

  1. Alba Graduate Business School: MSc in Supply Chain Management
  2. KEDGE Business School: The European Business Program International – Diplome de l’Ecole Multinationale des Affaires (Master Degree) *

*Students need to have physical presence for 5 months minimum in France.

The MSc in Supply Chain Management and Master degree in the EBP International is Designed for:

  • Recent graduates from any discipline who wish to pursue a career in the Supply Chain & Logistics industry in Greece or abroad;
  • Young professionals who operate in the Supply Chain & Logistics industry who aspire to advance their career in the Supply Chain & Logistics industry pursuing a managerial position and more senior positions with broader responsibilities in Greece or abroad.

You may find here more information about the Program's Intended Learning Outcomes.

Note that the total credits are 30 of which 22 are offered in Greece and 8 in France. Students pay all 30 credits at Alba.  



  • In 20 months, students receive two degrees by Alba and KEDGE;
  • KEDGE has a strong global reputation on Supply Chain Management (Ranked as #1 French program in Supply Chain);
  • An applied perspective within every single course;
  • Distinct focus on the architecture of the global supply chain and logistics;
  • Opportunity to take courses abroad and work as an intern in another European country;
  • Exposure to real life business problems through the Master Thesis projects and an international internship;
  • Students will learn to reconcile cultural differences, always with an eye on real-world working conditions;
  • Graduates of the MSc in Supply Chain Management choosing to take The Alba MBA after having acquired the necessary work experience, will have three courses waived, in addition to the ALBA Alumni discount*.


*Rules and conditions apply


Total Year Schedule 2024 – 2026

The school reserves the right to re-examine the structure of all academic programs and proceed to any necessary changes of the modules.


* Detailed information about the Specialization Courses at KEDGE can be found here 

** Internship for Double Masters with KEDGE: Students can opt for a paid internship of 5 months in France or other European countries. International student VISA holders need to check with local immigration/labor law before accepting internship offers in any European country. According to Greek labor and immigration law, international VISA holder students are not permitted to do an apprenticeship in Greece.

***all students must also successfully complete the following under the supervision of KEDGE BS:

  • pass the Sulitest, an international Corporate Social Responsibility test.
  • hold a “language passport” of 2 languages. 1st language: B2 English certificate or native speaking and 2nd Language: either level B1 or A1 for any language (official certificate or test at KEDGE BS Language Centre), or French Language course validated while at KEDGE BS for 2 ECTS.

You may find the Graduate Academic Calendar 2024–25 here.

1st Period | September – October

Courses US Credits
Quantitative Methods for Business
For a successful career in business, professionals should possess sufficient quantitative skills to help them make informed decisions backed by data analysis and statistical inferences. The course aims to introduce, in an intuitive and rigorous way, the fundamental statistical tools of decision theory under uncertainty. Topics covered include basic statistical principles, probability distributions, inferential statistics (confidence intervals hypothesis testing) and regression. The course combines the theoretical concepts and reasoning with practical examples to help students master the quantitative methods of modern business management. The course also includes an introduction to Excel’s data analysis tool and basic functions.
Financial Accounting & Reporting
With the aim of evaluating corporate financial performance and making financially rational decisions, this course introduces students to financial accounting, reporting and analysis. This module aims to develop awareness in students of the way in which accounting is embedded in a particular socio-economic, political and cultural context and challenges the perception that accounting is a purely technical, uninterested and neutral practice. Within this framework, the module seeks to provide students with a broad introduction to the need for external accounting systems, the principles explicit and implicit within such systems, and the strengths and weaknesses in such systems. 
Business Economics
This course concentrates on the economic foundations of management by developing tools to analyze key issues of the industry (Microeconomics) and general economic environment (Macroeconomics) of a company. The first part, Microeconomics, analyses consumer behavior, producer pricing and production decisions under different market structures. The second part, Macroeconomics, studies the operation of the entire economy, analyzing topics such as the determination of aggregate output, employment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and other macro variables
Sustainability Business Ethics & CSR
Understanding the ethical basis of human behaviour is of fundamental importance for building commitment to organizational goals and for imparting integrity and a sense of the common good in organizational members. The course examines a broad array of matters relating to ethics, including: individual and organizational obstacles to ethics; ethics information processing methods and judging theories; an action-learning framework for ethics leadership; adversarial win-lose ethics methods; integrative win-win ethics methods; dialogic transcendent ethics method; reflection and developing personal and contingency ethics leadership approaches; developing on ethics leadership action-learning plan. The course focuses also on sustainability, corporate social responsibility and corporate accountability with further emphasis placed on business strategies that aim to create long term value and a positive environmental, social and economic impact. Actionable knowledge is achieved by applying theory in real life situations through critical analysis and debating on prominent cases and in class discussions on current trends and developments on sustainable business activities.

2nd Period | November – December

Courses US Credits
Managing People & Organization
The course provides an overview of the core areas of management theory and organizational behaviour with a special emphasis on issues of organizational structures, culture and values, employee motivation and job design, leadership and power, group processes as well as organizational learning and knowledge management. It will help participants understand the complex relation between individuals, groups and organizations and will introduce the concepts and the tools for effective management of the human capital. It will also help them understand how they can become change catalysts by performing their leadership role as managers; how they can manage knowledge; how they can inspire people to put extra effort for achieving the organizational vision and for outstanding performance and results. Through case studies, videos and discussion, students will have the opportunity to exercise their critical thinking and build people management skills by applying organizational theory to a broad range of organizational types, settings, and challenges.
Business Writing
The purpose of the workshop is to address the question ‘what is the skill of writing?’.  According to the American writer Edwin Schlossberg, “the skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think”.  The workshop explores this statement.  This exploration and subsequent understanding is of paramount importance for any business activity, since much of the communication in the business world takes place in writing, usually within tight deadlines, ranging from short, simple e-mails to long, rich documents.  The salient gain of the participants from the workshop is the understanding of different modes and purposes of writing, as well as of different types and purposes of documents.  The main topics covered during the workshop include: the requirements of different types of documents, such as reports, case studies, research papers and proposals, proper referencing, and the research process.
Presentation Skills Workshop
‘What is a successful presentation and how is it achieved?’  ‘What does our audience see and hear during a presentation?’  This workshop aims to provide participants with knowledge on the techniques and tools needed for a successful presentation.  Presentations are means of communication in the business world.  This communication may have several aims: to describe, to explain, to clarify, to persuade.  During the workshop, participants learn how to capture the audience’s attention and how to communicate efficiently and confidently without ‘stage fear’.  Some of the topics covered during the workshop are: structuring an effective presentation, using verbal and non-verbal communication during the presentation, using audio-visual aids, dealing with questions.  A special feature of the workshop is that participants have the opportunity to see themselves presenting both at the beginning of the workshop and at the end, as the first and last presentations they make are video-taped.
Financial Management
This course analyzes the major investing and financing decisions made by an international firm. Topics covered include analysis of financial information for managerial decisions, valuation of corporate securities, financing decisions and cost of capital, company valuation, and long-term investing decisions.The students will learn and practice essential skills related to the successful development of a financial plan. After the completion of this course students are expected to be able to conduct financial analysis of major business decisions
Introduction to Supply Chain Management Workshop
The workshop introduces participants to supply chains and analyzes, using facts/short cases, the importance of supply chain management. It briefly examines the linkage between firm strategy and supply chain management and stresses the importance of managing inventory in supply chains. It introduces participants to such concepts as measures of product availability, safety stocks, aggregation on safety inventory (inventory pooling), and methods of accurate response (postponement and part commonality). Finally, participants are informed on issues related to coordination in supply chains.

KEDGE Semester * | February - June

Courses US Credits
Supply Chain Management and Procurement
This course aims to provide students with an introduction to procurement, its organization, objectives, scope, methodologies for sourcing, recent developments and methods to manage the changes inherent to the current socio-economic environment.
Sustainable global value chains: A management perspective
This course takes participants on a journey to:  discover the new reality in the nature of companies,  see companies’ many relations to the UN SDGs via their value chains, explore companies’ business context and traditional practices, find processes that allow companies to impact sub-suppliers and sub-customers, and spot strategies on how a sustainable value chain can become a core competence.
Supply Chain Planning and Integration with SAP
The objective of the course is to provide hands-on practical knowledge about supply chain management. The most part of the course will be dedicated via a serious game to the study of production planning, transportation and warehouse management. The study of the production planning and execution part will be deepened with practical exercises on SAP ERP
Supply Chain Simulation and Case Studies
The course provides a simulation that allows the exploration and the exploitation of basic supply chain management practices. The simulation offers a set of rounds that show the impact of inter-functional decisions on the global performance of the supply chain. It also allows the validation of the inherent role of information sharing and the understanding of the notion of the bullwhip effect. Finally, it has the objective to confront the students to the principle of global vision in the supply chain.
From Sustainable Development to Corporate Social Responsibility
This module aims to enable students to develop a thorough understanding of CRS issues as well as engage in personal reflection on the topic. This will be achieved through studying cases and investigating a real multinational company case.
CGR and Diversity Management
At the end of the module, the students will be in the position of: Analysing how firms organize diversity, understand the processes of adaptability linked the diversity of cultural environment (micro-individual scale), develop the reflection on the individual implications or operational implications when implementing responsible management practices within organizations
Intercultural Management
The course aims to provide participants with a conceptual and practical understanding of the problems and challenges in the management of multinational corporations. It covers fundamental issues of global strategy and management, the traditional and emerging models of Multinational Corporations (MNCs), ongoing challenges in managing cross-border operations, the relationships between the MNC and the institutional environment and emerging topics in global strategy and management. In addition, students have to write a business proposal working in a multi-cultural team.
Be-U Personal Module
Be-U : My Story (18 hours), Be-U : Personal Development  (9 hours), Be-U : Develop your Self Awareness  (6 hours), Grand Oral defense: At the end of these workshops the students will be aware of their personal and profesional skills and behaviours as well as their personal motives that will be guiding their future. The students will have constructed their own profesional path and project and set up an action plan including their own commitments for next steps (internship and job finding) required by the program. The workshops complete with the Grand Oral Defence which is an exercise which takes the form of an argumentation for a job interview throughout which students must build a synthesis of the competencies/skills acquired during their career path/studies at EBP International and prove them , as well as demonstrate their motivations.
Research Method Methodology
The aim of this course is to develop your business research skills and become familiar with a range of research methods. This knowledge will help you in all courses as part of your Kedge Business school education and equip you with sound decision-making tools and methods for your careers in business.
French Language for foreigners
If students do not hold a certificate of a 2nd language except for English, they need to do the beginners level French courses provided by KEDGE BS

Internship and Master Thesis Term | July 2024 - May 2025

Courses US Credits
Internship for Double Masters with KEDGE *
Master Thesis
The MSc Thesis is a research project of a student’s special interest in a faculty member’s area of expertise. The students will have the opportunity to construct a detailed plan of a research project; to review specific literature on the selected topic; to identify relevant research questions from the literature; to be able to turn general research questions into empirical ones; to select and justify an appropriate research design; to select and employ suitable methods or techniques to investigate the empirical questions; to analyze financial or social data and to write a report covering a review of the relevant literature, the research questions, an explanation and justification of the design, a description of the conduct and analysis of the research, and a discussion of the findings in relation to the literature and methodological issues.
Be-U Report / Grand Oral defense (presentation)


The Professors



Academic Director
Paul Lacourbe Assistant Professor of Operation Management alba profile link
Course Faculty
Evangelia Baralou Academic Director of the MSc in Tourism Management
Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies, Open University, UK view more
Dionysis Dionysiou Academic Director of the MSc in Strategic Human Resources Management
Associate Professor of Organization and Management view more
Affiliate Professor | Lawyer-Mediator view more
Paul Lacourbe Academic Director of the MSc in Supply Chain Management
Assistant Professor of Operation Management view more
Associate Professor in the Practice of Accounting view more
Associate Professor of Finance view more
Stefanos Zarkos Academic Director of The Alba MBA & MSc in Finance
Professor in the Practice of Finance view more


After completing the program, participants should be able to:

  • Comprehend qualitatively and quantitatively the core areas of business;
  • Be effective decision makers, capable of solving a variety of business problems;
  • Understand Global Supply Chain Management processes, their design and methods for analysis and implementation;
  • Master the tools required for strategic management and Global Supply Chain analysis;
  • Learn Global Supply Chain Management Techniques and place them in a corporate context through case studies;
  • Display strong analytical and communication skills;
  • Be a valuable team player in a multinational-multicultural business environment.


Scholarships Scheme

You can secure pre-approval of your Scholarship, before you apply for admission to the MBA or MSc program of your choice.

Apply for scholarship


To be considered for admission, candidates must:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree; 
  • Provide evidence of excellent command of the English language;
  • GMAT tests are optional unless the Academic Committee requires the applicant to take them; in any case, scores of 515 or more (GRE >155) can strengthen your application and help you secure a scholarship.

Candidates must submit:

  • The completed application form, including one recent photograph in jpeg format;
  • Two letters of recommendation in Greek or in English language;
  • Official Academic Transcripts as well as Certified copies of degrees from each undergraduate, graduate or professional degree earned;
  • Proof of competence in the English language (unless schooled in English): Proficiency (Cambridge Proficiency, Michigan Proficiency, MSU Proficiency), or TOEFL, or IELTS, or Duolingo English Test;
  • Three Essays, as indicated in the Application form;
  • Receipt of the non-refundable application fee's [€60] deposit.

Click here to download the details for admission.

For details on academic policy, course credit policy, fee policy, and rules for student conduct, please refer to the Student Handbook .

Additionally, the School's Students Code of Conduct can be found here.


Get in touch with us
Vicky Moschopoulou Senior Manager - Enrollment

We urge applicants to request further information or to come for a meeting at our downtown campus, in order to better understand their profile and motivations.

Just fill out and submit the form below and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Tel.: +30 210 89.64.531 ext. 2289

e-mail: [email protected]

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