
Monday, 19/02/2018 London Shipping Event READ MORE
Monday, 12/02/2018 Dr. Kyriakopoulos, keynote speaker on Agribusiness event READ MORE
Friday, 02/02/2018 Transition from Education to Employment READ MORE
Thursday, 01/02/2018 Leventis Foundation MBA Scholarship for 2018 READ MORE
Thursday, 01/02/2018 Dr. Peter Cappelli at the “The ALBA Leading Scholars Series”

ALBA  launched “The ALBA Leading Scholars Series”, with the scope to bring new ideas and perspectives from an international environment into current issues that Senior Executives face in Greece and abroad, to challenge established practices and to create a fruitful dialogue between participants. Addressed issues will derive from different business functions and speakers will be experts in each field.

Monday, 08/01/2018 A new South Korean Exchange partner University READ MORE
Monday, 18/12/2017 Unilever Food Solutions Academy & ALBA: A successful collaboration

The Unilever Food Solutions Academy for 2017 took place  on November 28th  at the premises of The American College of Greece, marking the beginning of a collaboration between UFS and ALBA Graduate Business School.

Thursday, 14/12/2017 A night to remember: The 2017 Graduation Ceremony

On Monday December 4th, the 25th ALBA Graduation took place at the Greek National Opera, at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center. More than 1300 guests, friends and family members celebrated the graduation of our 332 students coming from all 14 programs and  from 7 different nationalities. The graduates were seated on the stage along with the Faculty and were visible from every corner of the theatre, filled with relatives and friends that attended the ceremony. It was a truly special event and the choice of the new Greek National Opera, a state of the art building, suited the uniqueness of the ceremony!

Saturday, 09/12/2017 Dr. Mylonopoulos at first CEEMAN’s Ed Tech seminar on Challenges of Digital Transformation in Management Education

"Digitalization in education is not about just shifting from pencil to screen, it’s about allowing students to truly enhance their learning and enabling management development institutions to deliver impactful learning experience in a more accessible and personalized way."

The participants of the first Ed Tech seminar left Bled satisfied with what they learned and at the same time fully aware of all the challenges that lie ahead for  all educational institutions that wish to meet and keep up with the needs of a digitalized world.


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