Graduation Year: 2009 (MBA 17)
Global Risk Management Plan Manager Greece & Cyprus, Novartis Hellas
LinkedIn Profile here
Could you update us on your latest professional developments?
In the beginning of this year, I was promoted to Risk Management Plan Manager for Greece and Cyprus and 2 months ago in addition to this role I was appointed in assignment as Medical Information Manager (including people management).
How did ALBA help you in your career?
ALBA broadened my horizons, made me confident, made me explore opportunities within myself which I have never thought I could do or become and of course made me see the world differently in every aspect.
Share with us your fondest memory while studying at ALBA
People working at ALBA care for the student and makes everyone feel special. Teachers listen, provide constructive feedback and coach continuously. I remember the passion, energy, determination we all had during numerous challenges we faced in our case studies/courses and how effectively and efficiently we handled each case despite most of us being non-experienced in the world of business. The air of multi-nationality gave me the feeling that ALBA is the education shelter I was looking for and diversity and inclusion were one of the most important factors which made my studies at ALBA unforgettable.
You’ve quickly advanced in your corporate career so far, as you were recently promoted to Manager…care to share some advice with your fellow alumni, especially the younger alums, on how to advance in their career?
No matter what career aspiration one has, some key factors, values and behaviors can highly contribute to someone’s career path. It is of great importance one to behave with high professionalism. In other words, to be accountable, to be consistent with what is said and what is done, to be self-determined and very result-driven, to be approachable with colleagues and when people seek help and support, to be credible, to drive for excellence and to never compromise quality for quantity. In addition, it is very important to be flexible and to adapt quickly in any environment, to be ready to change proactively and find ways to do things differently. Last but not least, it is essential to have passion and energy for what you do, to act with ethics, to care and be fair, to inspire and be inspired, to follow so you can be followed so to become a leader of tomorrow.