Next Stop: Personalization!

Wednesday, 07/09/2022

The new ready2board June ‘22 – August '22 issue; is on air!

The next day in hospitality is personal! Offering unique and personalized experiences and services to visitors is the new trend and it addresses the different facets of hospitality.

If we look at the modern global trends in hospitality, we will find out that most are related to digital innovation – which has an accelerating effect on the development and evolution of tourism businesses. Digitizing the traveler experience is one of those global trends. The latest smartphone applications give us the opportunity to place modern technology at the heart of the traveler’s experience before, during, and after their trip. The traveler’s experience and virtual reality are intertwined – with the latter offering the traveler the ability of a virtual walkthrough in a hotel room, the hotel bar/restaurant, the spa facilities, or the nearby beach.

An article written by Dr. Evangelia Baralou, Academic Director, Alba MSc In Tourism Management, Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies, Open University, UK & Billy Kolber,  CEO and Co-Founder of HospitableMe 

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