Business Unusual

Spend a Saturday the Business Unusual way and get a glimpse into the Alba world ! Who said making decisions about your future/studies can’t be fun?


Timetable of the day

  • 09:30- 10:00 Registration & welcome coffee

  • 10:00- 11:00 Master your communication skills for a successful career

    Dr. E. Baralou, Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies, Open University, U.K. | Academic Director MSc in Tourism Management

  • 11:00- 11:15 Coffee break  
  • 11:15- 12:15 Digital Marketing Impact: Truths and Fairytales

    Mr. George Tsiakas, Social Media Lead and Customer Stories Lead at Microsoft Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa | Teaching Fellow at Alba

  • 12:15- 12:30 Coffee Break
  • 12:30- 13:30 INTERACTIVE PART – “Minute to Win it”

    Team building activity organized by Summit

  • 13:30- 14:30 Light lunch & refreshments
tips of
the day

 Useful tips so you can come prepared and enjoy the day to the fullest!

tips of day

Schedule your AlbaDay in advance. Register online and be on time.

tips of day

Talk with Faculty and Staff about your goals and aspirations!

tips of day

Take some time to explore the campus.

tips of day

Have fun and enjoy your AlbaDay!

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