Dr. Robert E. Morgan holds the Sir Julian Hodge Chair and serves as Professor of Marketing & Strategy at Cardiff Business School, where he directs the Research, Impact, and Engagement portfolio. With over 20 years as a Full Professor, his expertise lies at the intersection of strategic management and marketing, focusing on organizational capabilities, innovation, and strategic management processes. Dr. Morgan has taught and delivered insights globally, with visiting appointments at leading institutions including Copenhagen Business School, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and Vienna University of Economics & Business. A prolific scholar, he has authored over 200 academic papers, management articles, and white papers, with publications in prestigious journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. His work has been cited over 13,000 times, earning recognition as a top 1% scientist by Research.com. Renowned for his innovative teaching and impactful research, Dr. Morgan has received numerous awards, including best paper honors from the European Journal of Marketing and the American Marketing Association. His consulting experience spans performance audits, market analysis, and strategic innovation for corporations, small firms, and public sector organizations worldwide.
Hudson, K. & Morgan, E. R. (2023), "Board political ideological diversity and information exposure as antecedents to value creation and value appropriation, Journal of Product Innovation Management (AJG4). ISSN: 1540-5885, Available here
Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, N. & Morgan, E. R. (2023). "International servitization: Theoretical roots, research gaps, and implications, International Marketing Review (AJG3), Vol.40, No.3, ISSN: 0265-1335, Available here
Gali N., Hughes H., Morgan E. R. & Wang C. (2023). “Entrepreneurial entropy: A resource exhaustion theory of firm failure from entrepreneurial orientation”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (AJG4/FT50), ISSN: 1540-6520, Available here
Robson, M. J., Chuang, F, Morgan, R. E., Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, N. & Benedetto, A. (2023). “New product development process execution, integration mechanisms, capabilities and outcomes: Evidence from Chinese high-technology ventures”, British Journal of Management (AJG4), Vol.34, 2036-2056, ISSN: 1467-8551, Available here
Hudson, K. & Morgan, R. E. (2022). “The wisdom and madness of crowds: Board interlocks, strategic deviation, and firm performance”, Long Range Planning (AJG3). Vol.55, No.3, 102180, ISSN: 0024-6301, Available here