Panagiotis Mamais is a web developer that began his journey when the 5+1 4” floppy disk was the standard means of storage. Through a course of over two decades, he has seen trends and techniques come and go, and in an ever changing cyber universe, he never stopped observing, learning, experimenting, creating and eventually passing over that knowledge. Being a perfectionist, he is obsessed with UI and enamored by the evolution of Front-end development and the impact it has on the end-user in terms of marketing. If left unattended, his twisted mind will keep coding that tiny little pixel at that part of the website that nobody looks, until it is perfect. The reason is simple. When it comes to marketing, every single little pixel has it’s purpose. His skills include graphics as well but he prefers the mind numbing thrill of creating by code. He is curently working at Socialab, designing and developing custom projects for clients such as Lidl, Septona, UNCHR and others, by focusing on the project’s main goal while implementing next generation UI/UX techniques