Core Faculty

Paul Lacourbe

Academic Director of the MSc in Supply Chain Management Assistant Professor of Operation Management B.Sc, Eastern China University of Sci&Tech, M.Sc, INSEAD, Ph.D., INSEAD

Dr. Paul Lacourbe is assistant professor of Operations Management at Alba Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece. He has teaching and research interests in the areas of Operations Management, Supply Chain Management and Sustainability. He has served as a faculty member in ESSEC in France and CEU in Hungary. His research has been published in international refereed journals, including Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research and Internationa Journal of Innovation Management. He has given public speeches at TEDx Danubia twice. Dr. Paul Lacourbe received his undergraduate degree in accounting in Shanghai and a PhD from INSEAD.

Contact Details

TEL.: (+30) 210-896 4531-8 E mail :


Lacourbe, P. (2003). Recycled Content Claim Under Demand Benefit and Supply Uncertainty: Multi-Period Model and Application to Glasswool Insulation, with A Iyer and A Vedantam. European Journal of Operational Research. 309 (2)

Lacourbe, P. (2016). Durable Goods Leasing in the Presence of Exporting Used Products to an International Secondary Market, European Journal of Operational Research. 250 (2)

Lacourbe, P. (2013). Balancing the Dual Role of Disruptor and Disruptee. International Journal of Innovation Management, 17 (4)

Lacourbe, P. (2012). A Model of Product Line Design and Introduction Sequence with Reservation Utility. European Journal of Operational Research. 220 (2)

Kavadias, S., Lacourbe, P., Loch, C. (2009). Product Positioning in a Two Dimensional Market Space. Production and Operations Management. 18 (3)

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