Panagiotis Avramidis is professor of finance and quantitative methods. He teaches quantitative methods, risk management and banking. Currently, his research focuses on financial intermediation, financial markets and corporate management. His research work has been published in academic journals, including Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Management Science, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Marketing, and Leadership Quarterly among other. In addition, he writes regularly in daily press. He collaborates with Bank of Greece in several research projects and is a research fellow of the Institute for Hellenic Growth and Prosperity (IHGP). In the past, Dr. Avramidis has taught courses and workshops at the London School of Economics and at the London Business School. He has held a senior position at Fitch Risk, (a consultancy subsidiary of Fitch Ratings) and a senior manager position at ICAP Group’s Credit Risk Services.
Serfes, K., Wu, K., & Avramidis, P. (2025). FinTech vs. Bank: The impact of lending technology on credit market competition. Journal of banking & finance, 170, 107338
Epitropaki, O., & Avramidis, P. (2024). Becoming a leader with clipped wings: The role of early-career unemployment scarring on future leadership role occupancy. The Leadership Quarterly, 101786
Avramidis P., Serfes K., Wu K. & Pennacchi G. (2022). The Role of Regulation and Competition in Credit Allocation: Evidence from Small Business Lending. Journal of Money Credit and Banking
Avramidis, P., Mylonopoulos, N., & Pennacchi, G. G. (2021). The Role of Marketplace Lending in Credit Markets: Evidence from Bank Mergers. Management Science, forthcoming
Avramidis P., Asimakopoulos I., Malliaropulos D. & Travlos N.G. (2021) Do banks appraise internal capital markets during credit shocks? Evidence from the Greek crisis Journal of Financial Intermediation 45, 100855.
Vlachos, P.A., Avramidis, P., Panagopoulos, N., (2020) “How to Optimize Your Company’s Approach to Data Privacy,” Harvard Business Review Available here
N. Panagopoulos, R. Mullins & Avramidis, P., (2018) Sales Force Downsizing and Firm-Idiosyncratic Risk: The Contingent Role of Investors' Screening and Firm's Signaling Processes. Journal of Marketing Vol 82 (6), pp 71-88
Avramidis P. Cabolis C. & Serfes K., (2018) Bank size and market value: The role of direct monitoring and delegation costs. Journal of Banking and Finance Vol 93, pp 127-138
Asimakopoulos I., P. Avramidis, D. Malliaropulos & N. G. Travlos. Micro-behavioral characteristics in a recessionary environment: Moral hazard and strategic default. In Resolving private sector insolvency: The experience of the EU periphery and the case of Greece. Palgrave MacMillan.
Avramidis, P. (2016) Adaptive likelihood estimator of conditional variance function. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28(1): 132-151