Ioulia Bessa is an Associate Professor. Her research focus includes non-standard forms of employment and their connection to precarity, underemployment/unemployment, as well as the use of quantitative instruments and methods to measure and understand precarity in different recessionary contexts including the post-BREXIT and post-Covid-19 period and also in the platform economy. Ioulia is very interested in looking at how precarious and uncertain periods affect mental health, wellbeing, life and job satisfaction. She has used a range of secondary datasets (UK national and international) and has published in a number of different journals in the area of Industrial Relations and Sociology of work, such as Work, Employment and Society, British Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Relations Management. She is currently Editor at Work, Employment and Society.
Umney, C., Stuart, M., Bessa, I., Joyce, S., Neumann, D., & Trappmann, V. (2024). "Platform Labor Unrest in a Global Perspective: How, Where and Why Do Platform Workers Protest?" Work, Employment and Society, 38(1), 326
Stuart, M., Trappmann, V., Bessa, I., Joyce, S., Neumann, D., & Umney, C. (2023). "Labor Unrest and the Future of Work: Global Struggles Against Food Delivery Platforms" Labour Studies Journal, Available here
Wang, S., Kamerade, D., Bessa, I., Burchell, B., Gifford, J., Green, M. & Rubery, J. (2022). "The Impact of Reduced Working Hours and Furlough Policies on Workers’ Mental Health at the Onset of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study". Journal of Social Policy, 1-25 Available here
Bessa I., Charlwood A. & Valizade, D. (2020) "Do Labour Unions Cause Job Dissatisfaction? Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment". British Journal of Industrial Relations, 7: 1–29
Avgoustaki A. & Bessa I. (2019) "Examining the link between flexible working arrangement bundles and employee work effort". Human Resource Management, 58(4): 431-449