Dimitrios Konstantios is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the ALBA Graduate Business School. His research interests encompass a range of subjects, including Accounting, Financial Accounting, Innovation, Strategic Management, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), with a primary focus on understanding corporate decision-making processes. His research work has been published in academic journals, including the British Journal of Management, Financial Management, European Financial Management, Journal of Business Research, International Review of Financial Analysis, and Journal of International Money and Finance among other. In the realm of education, Dr. Konstantios is deeply involved in teaching various subjects like Accounting, Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance, International Business, and Strategic Management. He shares his expertise and knowledge through undergraduate, specialized postgraduate, and MBA programs at universities and other national and international executive teaching centers.
Agoraki, K.K., Giaka, M., Konstantios, D., Negkakis, I., 2024. The relationship between firm-level climate change exposure, financial integration, cost of capital and investment efficiency. Journal of International Money and Finance 141, 102994.
Chasiotis, I., Gounopoulos, D., Konstantios, D., Patsika, V., 2023b. ESG Reputational Risk, Corporate Payouts and Firm Value. British Journal of Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12745
Chasiotis, I., Gounopoulos, D., Konstantios, D., Naoum, V., Patsika, V., 2023a. Does ESG reputational risk affect the efficiency and speed of adjustment of corporate investment? European Financial Management, 1–40. https://doi.org/10.1111/eufm.12470
Agoraki, M.-E.K., Giaka, M., Konstantios, D., Patsika, V., 2023. Firms’ sustainability, financial performance, and regulatory dynamics: Evidence from European firms. Journal of International Money and Finance 131, 102785.
Bechlioulis, A., Economidou, C., Karamanis, D., Konstantios, D., 2023. How important are capital controls in shaping innovation activity? Journal of International Money and Finance 131, 102768.
Economidou, C., Gounopoulos, D., Konstantios, D., Tsiritakis, E., 2022. Is sustainability rating material to the market? Financial Management, 52 (1), 127-179
Fafaliou, I., Giaka, M., Konstantios, D., Polemis, M., 2022. Firms’ ESG reputational risk and market longevity: A firm-level analysis for the United States. Journal of Business Research 149, 161–177.
Apergis, N., Chasiotis, I., Georgantopoulos, A.G., Konstantios, D., 2021. The integration of share repurchases into investment decision-making: Evidence from Japan. International Review of Financial Analysis 78, 101950.