Career & Alumni Director, Maria Moragianis recently participated in a panel discussion on the Transition from Education to Employment: The Role of Enterprises at the conference, “Modern Skills for Internationally Competitive Enterprises: The Role of Human Capital in the Productive Restructuring of the Economy” organized by SEV, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises on February 1st.
Ms. Moragianis presented ALBA’s career development program, as implemented by the Career Office and outlined the importance of linking education to the job market.
More specifically, she stated, “Over the past 8 years, the Greek job market has become increasingly competitive due to the financial crisis. As a result, the distinction between skills and knowledge is crucial, now more than ever. In order to meet these demanding requirements and to prepare students for their successful entry into the workforce, the educational community must integrate in its curricula courses that develop not only the relevant knowledge but also the skills that the market seeks. Above all, however, it is imperative to work closely with companies through i.e. internships, joint research, talent management and development, mentoring so that students not only become familiar with the corporate environment and learn best practices, but most importantly to ensure their smooth entry into the job market.”
The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of the development of the Human Resources as a basic prerequisite for increasing productivity and enhancing the extroversion of the Greek Economy.
SEV has published a special report describing and identifying the main aspects of the challenges that lie ahead of our society, as an economy, as businesses, as workers, as unemployed, as citizens, as education and training systems. In the midst of international technological and productive upheavals, we must act to ensure that Greece is not locked in a low-productive, low-value, low-skilled and low-wage country.The report analyzes the 12 + 1 challenges that the skills production system in Greece has to address, both from the point of view of public policies and from the point of view of business and production, so that our country and our society meet the demands of an outward-looking, dynamic, technologically advanced and internationally competitive economy.It also presents suggestions on how businesses in Greece can contribute to the development of human resources and create a critical mass of knowledge and skills that will increase their productivity, make them internationally competitive and therefore partners in international chains of value for tradable products and services, thereby contributing to overall economic and social well-being.
You may find the special report here