Dr. P.J. Athanasopoulos, Vice-Chairman, Toyota Motor Europe, and a Member of the ALBA Academic Council, shares with the readers of the Economist his valuable experience on Managing Toyota!
Dr. Athanasopoulos' experience is presented in a special survey in the Economist, titled 'The new organization'. In the section titled 'Inculcating Culture: The Toyota Way', Dr. Athanasopoulos presents the five distinct elements of Toyota corporate culture globally: Kaizen (the Japanese process of continuous improvement), genchi genbutsu (which roughly translated means go to the source), challenge, teamwork, and respect for other people. According to Dr. Athanasopoulos, once these values are inculcated into a worker, they guide decision-making throughout the way.
It is an honor for ALBA that one of its Academic Council Members is cited in the Economist. It is noted that the ALBA Academic Council is an international advisory body consisting of internationally renowned scholars and executives convening annually to review ALBA's performance and discuss strategic issues. This is just another evidence of ALBA's commitment to quality in every aspect of its organization.