"Global Corruption Report on Education & Aspects of Greek reality"

Tuesday, 05/11/2013


On the occasion of the publication of “The Global Corruption Report: Education”, Transparency International - Greece in collaboration with ALBA, organized an open discussion about "Global Corruption Report on Education & Aspects of Greek reality."

The event took place on Tuesday 22 October 2013, 17.00 at ALBA premises (Xenia 6-8, Athens).

According to the Global Report, 600 graduates in Germany (out of 2500) received their PhD using unfair means, while bribery for a dorm-room in Romania is estimated at € 200. Which of these phenomena - and others presented in the Global Report on Corruption in Education (Global Corruption Report) Transparency International', happen also in Greece? Is there a  way out of this problem, when according to the Global Corruption Barometer 2013, 1 out of 5 worldwide, accepts to have bribed to receive educational services?

These questions were raised in the event co-organized by the Transparency International Hellas (TEN- E) and ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece, presenting aspects of corruption and fighting tools in Higher Education in the Greek reality.

Visit Transparency International-Greece website to find details and comments made during the two panel discussion.

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