Events & Seminars

Upcoming presentation of the European Business Growth Catalyst Programme on September 9

9 of September 2014
Contact Email: [email protected] Telephone info: +30 210 8964531-8
18:00-20:00 ALBA premises (6-8 Xenias str., Mavili Square)


Are you an SME business owner, manager and/or entrepreneur who want to drive your organisation forward and stay ahead of competition?

Join the presentation of the “European Business Growth Catalyst” programme and find out how this unique hands-on training programme can help you analyse your business and achieve outward growth.

 Starting on October 2014, the EBGC programme will take place over a 6 month period, with 1 module delivered per month.


The programme is co-funded by the European Commission and selected companies will be awarded a European grant to cover the full cost of participation.


                             To reserve your place, please contact Mrs Eleni Gerakari

                                at [email protected] no later than September 5.

                The presentation will be held on September 9 at 18:00 at ALBA premises,

                                                 6-8 Xenias str., Mavilli square.


 Learn more about the programme at 

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