Events & Seminars

EMBA Exclusive Information Session

22 of May 2024
Contact Email: [email protected] Telephone info: +302108964531
18:30 Xenias 10 , 1st Floor

Boost your senior leadership potential in times of change with our EMBA

Becoming a high-performing leader is no doubt a demanding task, especially with disruption being all around us.  Little wonder, it is no hard to reach a plateau, where you feel overwhelmed with new developments. Successfully leading your team, unit or firm to a brighter future, requires time to develop and grow your skills and awareness, than simply being consumed with day-to-day activities.

Join us in this virtual Information Session, where Prof. K. Kyriakopoulos and Ms. A. Kalkavoura, the Academic & the Program Directors, will discuss how you can grow your potential with our Executive MBA, a program tailored to the needs of senior executives.


Register for EMBA Exclusive Information Session

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