THE@WS -THerapeutic Exercise at Work Space

THE@WS -THerapeutic Exercise at Work Space

Research program: ERASMUS +

Start date: 2014 - End date: 2016

Short description

Development of a special exercise program designed for office employees

The Therapeutic Exercise at Workspace is an ERASMUS+ funded project which has developed and exercise program aimed at office employees. Exercise specialists, Orthopedic Doctors, Stress Management Specialists, IT professionals and HR Advisors grouped together to develop customized exercise protocols demonstrated in short length videos. The specific platform addressed to office employees was highly disseminated to HR executives in order to promote these exercises to their employees. The use of the platform is free of charge and it is available on line.

You may access the THEWS exercise here 


  • Democritus University of Thrace (EL)
  • University of Nicosia (CY)
  • University College of Southeast Norway (NO)
  • ALBA Graduate Business School (EL)
  • Instituto Pedro Nunes (PT)
  • St. Anna Hospital (D)

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